Distraction has caught me in its trap.
My mind wanders from this to that.
I start one project and think of another that needs to be done,
so I leave the one I’m on and go to the different one.
So nothing is finished, everything has just begun.
So the end of the day nothing completed, not even one.
I look back and begin to see what is happening to me.
I started my day all alone, never took time to go to your throne.
To seek and find what your plan was for me this day, and my time just flew away.
So I sit and I am still, asking my Lord to help me to know His will.
It’s like a rubric cube, that being moved by a master plan, each color lining up in God’s imagistic plan.
So the rushing has stopped, He shows me the way, he directs from one thing to the other his way.
A peace now fills the rushing heart; I am now released from the trap of distraction as I walk in God’s will.
Doing one thing at a time everything still gets done, but now it’s more like fun, knowing as I do, I‘Il be working with God’s only son.
The time seems to speed up, and all the overwhelming I felt before is not there anymore,
So what have I learned? God’s plan is the best,
when I go to him in prayer he will help take care of all the rest.
This is the way walk in it He has said,
but how can we unless we wait for him that we may be led.
Anne T. Six
Gifted Spirit Communications